[author unknown]
Books reviewed: The New Interpreter's Bible, Volume 2Richard Kalmin, The Sage in Jewish Society of Late AntiquityHans‐Josef Klauck, Magic and Paganism in Early Christianity: The World of the Acts of the ApostlesSandra M. Schneiders, Written that You May Believe: Encountering Jesus in the Fourth GospelCharles W. Hedrick, When History and Faith Collide: Studying JesusGerd Lüdemann, Jesus After 2000 Years: What He Really Said and DidStanley E. Porter, The Criteria for Authenticity in Historical‐Jesus Research: Previous Discussion and New ProposalsJohn Dominic Crossan, Luke Timothy Johnson and Werner Kelber, The Jesus Controversy: Perspectives in ConflictRaymond Martin, The Elusive Messiah: A Philosophical Overview of the Quest for the Historical JesusStephen C. Barton, Where shall Wisdom be Found? Wisdom in the Bible, the Church and the Contemporary WorldDouglas A. Templeton, The New Testament as True Fiction: Literature, Literary Criticism, Aesthetics John C. Cavadini, Miracles in Jewish and Christian Antiquity: Imagining TruthJohn Dominic Crossan, The Birth of Christianity: Discovering What Happened in the Years Immediately After the Execution of JesusJeffrey W. Hargis, Against the Christians: The Rise of Early Anti‐Christian PolemicGabriel Audisio, translated by Claire Davison, The Waldensian Dissent: Persecution and Survival, c.1170–c.1570Margaret Harvey, The English in Rome, 1363–1420: Portrait of an Expatriate CommunityThomas F. Mayer, Reginald Pole: Prince and ProphetJean E. Rosenfeld, The Island Broken in Two Halves: Land and Renewal Movements among the Maori of New ZealandRalph McInerny, The Defamation of Pius XIIMargherita Marchione, Pope Pius XII: Architect for PeaceSusan Zucotti, Under his Very Windows. The Vatican and the Holocaust in ItalyM. M. Lelwica, Starving for Salvation: The Spiritual Dimensions of Eating Problems among American Girls and WomenDouglas Farrow, Ascension and EcclesiaFrancis McGrath, foreword by Gerard Tracey, John Henry Newmman: Universal RevelationPaul Helm, Faith and ReasonChristopher Lamb and Dan Cohn‐Sherbok, The Future of Religion: Postmodern Perspectives: Essays in Honour of Ninian SmartB. A. Gerrish, Saving and Secular Faith: An Invitation to Systematic Theology.Laurence Paul Hemming, Radical Orthodoxy – A Catholic EnquiryMiroslav Volk, After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the TrinityAlan J. Torrance, Persons in Communion: Trinitarian Description and Human ParticipationDavid F. Ford, The Modern Theologians: An Introduction to Christian Theology in the Twentieth Century.