[author unknown]
ANKER, STEVE, GERITZ, KATHY and SEID, STEVE (eds). Radical Light: Alternative Film and Video in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1945-2000. (Berkeley: University of California Press). 2010. pp. 351. £20.95 (pbk).BENAMOU, MARC. Rasa: Affect and Intuition in Javanese Musical Aesthetics. (Oxford: Oxford University Press). 2010. pp. 298. £30.00 (hbk).BERLINER, TODD. Hollywood Incoherent: Narration in Seventies Cinema. (Austin: University of Texas Press). 2010. pp. 276. £37.00. (hbk).BODEN, MARGARET A. Creativity and Art: Three Roads to Surprise. (Oxford: Oxford University Press). 2010. pp. 260. £35.00 (hbk).BRAM, SHAHAR. The Ambassadors of Death: The Sister Arts, Western Canon and the Silent Lines of a Hebrew Survivor. (Brighton: Sussex Academic Press). 2011. pp. 197. £55.00 (hbk).GAUT, BERYS. A Philosophy of Cinematic Art. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). 2010. pp. 324. £17.99 (pbk).ILIC, LJUBICA. Music and the Modern Condition: Investigating the Boundaries. (Farnham: Ashgate). 2010. pp. 122. £45.00. (hbk).KRAMER, LAWRENCE. Interpreting Music. (Berkeley: University of California Press). 2011. pp. 322. £16.95 (pbk).