This is the second of a series of three papers intended to recast and extend a philosophical and cosmological model, called the Fractal of Self (FOS) model of consciousness. The focus of this paper is to apply the theological / philosophical principles presented in the first paper, published in NeuroPhilosophy, and demonstrate how these axioms align with many discoveries made in the field of material science. As a result, this model proposes how creation began from a singularity of infinite energy density that contains the consciousness of God and manifests as a zero-dimensional point but then fulfills its potentiality and extends into a one-dimensional string. A fundamental premise of this model is that this singularity causes a fractal chain reaction of unending exponential dimensional development. This underlying pattern that begins with pure simplicity and continually creates a ‘hidden order’ of informational complexity, sequentially nested within and interconnected holographically to all actualized possibilities of the past, is the material perception that God’ consciousness creates, reflecting His immaterial infinite imagination. The paper begins by clarifying some points in relation to the previous paper then key features of this cosmological model are explained. The first four discrete moments of creation are then outlined in detail with the aid of a flow figure. This outline details how this great fractal is able to continually create new configuration of unique dimensions by fragmenting the original ‘string singularity’ in two opposing trajectories of evolvement. This dual contracting and expanding movement of the whole universe, which eternally divides ‘pure conscious energy’ towards increasing and decreasing energy densities simultaneously, allows creation to be perfectly balanced with exactly equal amounts of positive and negative energy that always cancels out to equal the dimensionality of the initial ‘point singularity’; zero.