Are Artificial Neurons Neurons?
The media often discuss artificial neural networks like ChatGPT or Amazon's Alexa, and
policymakers grapple with regulating emerging technologies. However, the precise nature of
"artificial neurons" remains ambiguous. Is this term to be understood merely metaphorically
or does it refer to physical entities resembling biological neurons? While commonly
understood as mathematical nodes in AI, the discussion extends deeper, particularly with the
advent of neuromorphic engineering. This paper discusses whether artificial neurons are
indeed neurons and what the potential implications are. Specifically, the paper addresses the
question: I discuss three typesAre artificial neurons functional analogs of biological neurons?
of artificial neurons against the background of the two main theories of biological function,
viz. Causal Role and Selected Effects Theory. My thesis contends that while artificial neurons
lack the morphological structure of biological neurons, certain types, especially those in
neural circuits, exhibit functional parity, and thus can be considered functional analogs.