Initial writings and moral distress research focused on nursing, however, it soon became clear that others in healthcare also experienced moral distress. The narratives discussed in this commentary show this variation not only in the authors’ multiplicity of disciplines (psychologists, nurses, an ethicist, and physicians), but also in their workplace environments (prisons, hospitals, and homecare) and their roles, from students to well accomplished professionals. In other words no one is immune. By looking through the lens of time the author shows that the experience of moral distress is not isolated in time, but in fact continues to be lived over time. Other important themes drawn out here are: isolation, powerlessness, failure, regret, undermined potential and the way feelings are experienced. It is also noted that despite the pain and angst, there is a sense of gratitude in these stories. They touch our own woundedness, remind us of our own resiliency and give us hope for the redemptive power of the experience and reflection.