This article analyzes the phenomenon of desire as a rational mechanism of individual and social integrity deformation. Conditions of modern society relations development, their character and prospects transform sociality into a product of the signed consumption - total consumption. Social practice analysis suggests the need to study the changes of the individual attitudes and orientations. Due to this fact, the author turns to the subject of desire. Today desire is a real mechanism of individual and social activity, which is distorting the mechanisms of the existential nature of human activity – needs. Modern society state is the result of the human´s values transformation. Rationalism, pragmatism and other settings of modern age expressed their destructive potential. In this situation, following the integrative development model, that is «a microcosm in the macrocosm and the in macrocosm the microcosm», it is getting clear that the source of problems and contradictions of the society associated with a human being. It is in the nature of the latter, where profound changes occur, and they are turning up in the imbalance of the social unity. Consequently, by getting into the nature of the individual context it is revealed that the main problem concerns the distortion of the harmonious and integral personality development. The point at issue is that today the main source of human activity appears not existential needs but desires that are based on a distortion of the needs. Desires as rational development mechanisms are aimed to fulfill selfish units of the individual development – to use, to consume, to exploit. They are expressed in the particular set on the service. Therefore, getting more specific in the process of their development desires are objectified in material and status practices. We can say that by intensifying desire, everyday life rationalization is reflected in the set on total consumerism. This practice of consumption is losing its traditional meaning and being transformed from spiritual process of comprehension and change of the reality into the material things worship practices. Thus, harmonious human development and individual and social integrity formation are violated.