Throughout the Chinese imperial period, the kaoji (examination of merit) system was used to evaluate bureaucratic officials’ successes and failures. Officials who served commendably were promoted while those who served discreditably were demoted on its basis. In this article, I focus on the kaoji system as described in the “Kao gong ming” (Examining Achievement and Reputation) chapter of the Chunqiu fanlu, an authoritative pre-modern Chinese ethical-political text. I attempt to reconstruct the system and analyze the main features of the underlying theory by which it was administered. First, I explore the main principles and metaphors of the “Kao gong ming” theory of rulership and administration. I argue that it situates the kaoji system within a vision of naturalistic administration and rulership based on the principles of accumulating of goodness, conferring benefit, and eliminating harm, as well as weighing and adapting to specific circumstances. In this context, the kaoji system may be understood as an important instrument of effective rulership based on the principles of nature. Second, I outline the kaoji system and compare it with the Han system of personnel administration. I finish with reflections on the chapter’s dating and authorship, arguing that the “Kao gong ming” is a compilatory Han text with a problematic relationship to Dong Zhongshu. My broader aim is to contribute to our understanding of the Han dynasty’s administrative discourse.