Albany: Delmar/Thomson Learning. Edited by Alvita K. Nathaniel (
As part of Delmar's Core Introductory Nursing Textbook Series, this text examines the issues that are at the very heart of today's health care delivery system. By examining theories, models, and principles that served as guides for ethically sound behavior, the text flows from the personal level, to the professional, and finally to the global domain. Discussion of pricipled behavior on the personal level includes values clarification, moral development, and a discussion of how this behavior affects a nurse's everyday life. The section related to prefessional and legal issues in nursing includes discussion of autonomy, authority, accountability, codes of practice, scholarship issues, and practice issues related to health care providers, systems within which nurses work, technology, and patient self-determination. There is an examination of global issues that affect nursing, including political, economic, social, gender, transcultural, and spiritual issues. Acknowledging changing trends in the health care field, this book is offered as a tool for student nurses to use in the process of learning to make sound choices and act in principled ways.