Operation and development of the sugar industry of the Russian Empire in the XIX century envisaged realization of flxible economic, agricultural, domestic, foreign, state, public policy of authorities. Study of flw and the effects of political processes in the fild of sugar industry allow us to understand how was the policy of the then ruling government effective, competent, balanced and professional and how were effective power solutions. The subject of the work is exactly the patterns and consequences of economic, agricultural, domestic, foreign, public power and public policy of the Russian Empire in the XIX century. in the sugar industry. Aforesaid defies research topic, namely «The policy of the Russian Empire from the beginning of the XIX century. to 1895 in respect of the sugar industry: patterns and consequences. « The aim is to study the totality of activities of political life subjects of the Russian empire XIX century, their impact on the object of study - the sugar industry through political and economic instruments [duties, excise taxes, tariffs] to achieve political and economic goals. The historical method used in political science to study political phenomena in their sequential development time, revealing logical relationships past, present and future allows you to explore patterns and categories of economic, agricultural, domestic, foreign, public power and public policy of the Russian Empire in the XIX century in the sugar industry, enables deep and thoroughly understand the subject, describe the level of development policy for the sugar industry, allows us to establish a comprehensive description of the political reality of that time. Fighting liberal, neo-liberal, socialist, social democratic, conservative and neoconservative doctrines in the XXI century determines the relevance of the study, when similar processes occurred in the political life of Russian empire XIX century in direct at the sugar industry. As the result of research is the allocation of three chronological periods, when government policy regarding sugar industry signifiantly changed from rigid to moderately protectionist, protectionist and liberal, due to political and economic factors of the time. The practical value of the work is the opportunity to make a critical analysis of the crisis in the sugar industry for about a century ago, which took place in the Ukrainian lands, development of specifi recommendations, improving the Ukrainian state policy on betterment of the industry today. Supporters of the command-administrative policy, statism and protectionism actively popularize the idea that the Liberal government policy of the Russian Empire on the sugar industry hampered its development in the study period. This opinion represents the best in Soviet historiography. Liberal politics, on the contrary, considering the upgrowth dynamics and political reality, stimulated the development of sugar industry.