Granì 18 (4):6-11 (
In the article generalized ideological priorities of ukrainian nationalism of end ХІХ – to beginning of ХХ century, expounded in researches of S.Dnistryanskogo. Nationalistic direction in the ukrainian public mind was based on the idea of unreserved confession of right for every nation on state independence. One of founders of nationalistic direction in the ukrainian public mind, which put problematiku of ukrainian nationalism on scientific soil, there was Stanislav Dnistryanskiy (1870–1935). In the scientific labours he distinctly formulated nationally state conception in basis of which put an original public communication theory and understanding of national idea. Interpreting a national idea foremost as viewpsychological factor, called to unite people on the basis of awareness of general history and culture, traditions and consuetudes, language and purpose, S.Dnistryanskiy carries out differentiating of national and nationalistic ideas. S.Dnistryanskiy asserted that forming of national consciousness of the ukrainian people must become the dominant of process of national creation in the method of creation of effective public instituciy, and already then is a logical and appropriate receipt of state independence. In the theory of public connections he combined the right of people of selfdetermination with selfdetermination of the states on basic national idea and national territory. He grounded a right for state selfdetermination of ukrainians on their ethnic territory on the basis of national democratic traditions and theory of right for people on selfdetermination.