Sull'interpretazione pareysoniana della Terza Critica
Pareyson has proved the theoretical and systematic pregnangy of the meaning of KdU for the critical philosophy as a whole. Such a meaning appears quite evident according at least to two basic questions: first, according to the teleological principle, on which the aesthetic judgment is based. This principle, in fact, is effective also as general condition of any intellectual judgment. Second, according to the concept of imagination, which has not a mere aesthetic value. The imagination considered from the point of view of the third critique must be read and understood in unity with the imagination operating in the construction of the schemas, which may be said to represent the main problem of the first critique. It is, in fact, the same faculty, that in KrV can put-into-images the concepts, and in KdU the ideas of the reason. These two dimensions of imagination can not be put apart. This conception let us understand how immanent the “a-logical”, the pathos or sentiment is just in the constitution of the faculty of judgment as a whole.