The "Left" Way of Thinking within CPC during the Great Revolution in China Discussed
This is a long-neglected problem. Revolution in the Chinese Communist Party is not only a serious right-wing ideology, but also there is a "leftist" ideology. The outstanding performance of the democratic revolution and socialist revolution confusion; its core content is based on the basic characteristics of the bourgeoisie against the class struggle ideology. "Left" thinking began in the Chinese "big four", to strengthen in the May 30th Movement, the latter by nearly a year of silence, full resurgence of the late Revolution in 1927. In the Chinese Communist Party, Qu is the main representative of this idea. Study the resulting ideological reasons, except by the Comintern resolution directing effects, mainly the Chinese Communists on the Chinese revolution is part of the world proletarian revolution, the proletariat is the main force of the Chinese revolution, class struggle understanding of issues such as wrong or does not quasi-