In Lucie Doležalová, Jeff Rider & Alessandro Zironi (eds.),
Medium Aevum Quotidianum. Institut für Realienkunde des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit. pp. 15-31 (
Exegetical work on philosophical systems requires not only that one give
an account of the structure of a system’s assumptions and arguments,
but also of its forms, such as the form of expression (or genre: dialogue,
poem, aphorisms, and so on), or its form of argumentation (clear cut dis-
cursive exposition, logical formalization, metaphorical, allegorical
discourse, and so forth). These formal considerations may seem to be
secondary, merely ornamental issues, but they can raise unexpected
questions. The literal reading of a text has its counter-part in allegorical
interpretation. This way of reading, which must have started with the
first readers of Homer and found a fertile ground in Philo’s allegorical
commentaries on the Bible, was amazingly natural for Proclus (c. 411–
485), whose writings and commentaries represent the last phases of late
antique philosophy, and particularly of the relation between philosophy
and rhetoric.