This research will discuss about four research problems namely How is the description of the meaning field of the verb fall in the Javanese vocabulary? What is the meaning component of the verb fall in Javanese? What is the function of falling verbs in Javanese?. This research used qualitative research.The data in this research were in the study were in the form of words in the data source in the complete Javanese dictionary. The data collection instrument used by the researcher was in the form of a data netting table or data corpus due to make it easier for researchers in the process of collecting data, grouping data, and analyzing data. The next stage carried out by the researcher was data analysis. The process of data analysis carried out by researchers is to collect data, from dictionaries and also through online which are principally based on predetermined themes. Furthermore, the process of presenting data, the process of presenting data is done by describing the data based on the results. The last data analysis process is data verification. In this process the researcher draws conclusions based on the data that has been found. The results of this study indicate that there are 66 data in the form of falling verb vocabularies in Javanese, then this study obtains the meaning of 66 data in the form of falling verbs in Javanese which still has one continuity, and the next step is to obtain several components. on the field the meaning of verbs falls in Javanese vocabulary.