Globalisation is a contested concept and therefore refers to contradictory social processes. Additionally, immigration is established alongside the dualities of globalisation and ghettoisation. This paper is theoretically driven by doctoral research data and aims to present concerns and possibilities for critical mathematics education regarding immigrants in the context of the challenges posed by globalisation and ghettoisation in a world impacted by socially and racially structured injustices. The following topics will be addressed: (1) Firstly, I will clarify what this paper refers to regarding globalisation and ghettoisation and discuss how these concepts relate to mathematics education and immigrant students. (2) Next, I will present the participants' reports in the voices of mathematics teachers from schools with immigrant students in São Paulo, Brazil. (3) Following this, I will engage in a theoretical discussion on "meeting amongst differences" in mathematics classes with immigrant students. (4) Finally, I will explore, through Pedagogical Imagination, the hypothetical project "Ghettoisation—Is Racism a Factor?" as a possibility, considering the reality of immigrant students in developing spaces for meeting to overcome the distances created by ghettoisation.