ABSTRACT Objective: to reflect on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s notion of intersubjectivity as a potential reference to researches and actions directed to human care. Method: a reflexive analysis addressing three thematic areas: intersubjectivity and the holistic care; intersubjectivity and interdisciplinarity within the context of care; and description of experiences related to the own body within the context of health care. Results: the discussion presents structuring elements of Merleau-Ponty’s notion of intersubjectivity, such as: dialogue, respect, bond, and language. On the other hand, it reveals ambiguities inherent in the connection of life and culture worlds, created in the intersubjectivity, resulting in different profiles of care, considering its potential to create interdisciplinarity and integrity within the context of health practices. Conclusion: intersubjectivity can contribute by making more creative and innovative the care with ourselves, the others, and the world.