This paper investigates a problem related to quantifiers which has some analogies to that of propositional completeness I give a definition of quantifier in many-valued logics generalizing the cases which already occur in first order many- valued logics. Though other definitions are possible, this particular one, which I call distribution quantifiers, generalizes the classical quantifiers in a very natural way, and occurs in finite numbers in every m-valued logic. We then call the problem of quantificationa2 completeness in m-valued logic the problem of characterizing which are the quantifiers in a given language which can generate all other quantifiers in this language, using the connectives, as is the case, for example, of the universal and exis- tential quantifiers in classical logic, using negation. We are interested, in particular, in those many-valued quantifiers which closely mimic the behavior of existential an universal quantifiers in generating all other quantifiers using negation: these I call perfect quantifiers, as defined below. The main result of this paper is the characterization of all perfect quantifiers in 3-valued logics, which are complete if the logic is functionally complete. As a byproduct, we obtain the same result for the classical logic, which we include mainly for motivation.