Some algebraic structures determined by the class σ(þ) of all effects of a Hilbert space þ and by some subclasses of σ(þ) are investigated, in particular de Morgan-Brouwer-Zadeh posets [it is proved that σ(þ n )(n<∞) has such a structure], Brouwer-Zadeh * posets (a quite trivial example consisting of suitable effects is given), and Brouwer-Zadeh 3 posets which are both de Morgan and *.It is shown that a nontrivial class of effects of a Hilbert space exists which is a BZ 3 poset. An ɛ-preclusivity relation on the set of all vectors of þ is introduced, and it is shown that it satisfies the regularity condition also for ε∃ [1/2, 1]