Докса 2 (
The article investigates the interconditionality of changes of vestimentary fashion and the world cultural-historical process. The author examines the potential of the concept “cultural code” for disobjectification of formal characteristics of a suit and their connection with newly formed contextual meanings of culture. Vestimentary is analyzed through the division characteristics of clothes on the basic parameters: a geometrical shape, a color and a degree of covering the body. Clothing is a complicated cultural sign containing information on gender, age, social status, sort of activity etc. The character of combination of separate components approaches the clothing to the gesture, utterance, almost to speech stylistics. Connection of the clothing with a language, perception of a suit as a special expression and the concept “language of clothes” are fundamental for understanding and further comprehension all components of fashion in their correlation with a particular epoch, a historical period and a culture type. The research of vestimentary in a historical perspective helps to comprehend the course of the global cycles of development of human culture. The culture influences on the origin of fashionable standards in clothing, in turn the clothing fashion can initiate and strengthen cultural changes.