My paper examines the status of philosophy at the beginning of Middle Ages. I did this analysis by commenting the work of Boethius Consolation of philosophy. While his contemporaries analyze new philosophical themes, Boethius returns to the ancient themes of philosophy in his last work, as mentioned above. This return occurs in distinct biographical circumstances, because he was the victim of several accusations - among them the accusation of sacrilege, which was supported by the fact that Boethius was a well-known philosopher. As a result, Boethius wrote a treatise to defend philosophy. The outcome is a philosophy about good and about the supremacy of good, about evil, and suffering, which are the consequences of ignorance. The philosophical knowledge is the way to goodness and happiness of a philosopher who suffers, because of the wickedness and injustice while in prison, and waiting for the death sentence. Consolation of philosophy shows the prejudices and the suspicions of the contemporaries of Boethius, regarding philosophy, that lead to the closing of the schools of philosophy; the last one, the School from Athens, was closed five years after the writing of this treatise and the death of Boethius.