Literature-Philosophy apprehends the encounter of literature and philosophy as an open dialogue, where the commonality of a specific distance with regard to ἐπιστήμη serves to open up discourse beyond knowledge and epistemology. This article serves the purpose to argue for reading in translation as a core element of the methodological toolkit and part of a study-focus on Literature-Philosophy in a curriculum of Global Philosophy. It will therefore start by sketching a contextualization of Tschuang-Tse. Reden und Gleichnisse, Martin Buber’s poetic renderings of 莊子, to introduce into how and why his philosophy of dialogue in her educational form stays trapped within an aesthetically motivated hierarchy of explanation. Le maître ignorant by Jacques Rancière will provide a restructuring of the educational encounter as a kind of emancipatory literary poetics of subjectivation inquiry and experience that is political, rather than power-related.