This article discusses the educational context of John Henry Newman's earlier writings. Through a detailed analysis of the character of Oxford University it traces the development of his educational theory in his practice of teaching. Oxford, which remained a wholly Anglican institution until the 1870s, functioned as a microcosmfor the broader issues of church and state which dominated the writings of the leaders of the Tractarian Movement in the 1830s. The article helps explain why English theology developed completely differently from theology in continental Europe. For Newman, education was a pastoral and religious task where faith and life were connected through a common ‘catholic’ ethos: the quest for truth was a religious duty. This idea, where the intellect and will were mutually determinative of one another, remained central to his theology and theory of education after his conversion to the Roman Catholic Church, especially in his plans for the University of Dublin, published in The Idea of a University. Newman's insight was that authentic education required a ‘religious’ disposition, and learning was a moral and spiritual task. This may still be of some relevance in educational policy in the present day.