The aim of this paper is to analyse categorical propositions and their oppositional relations in Avicenna’s frame. For Avicenna’s expression and conception of categorical propositions is different from those of the authors who preceded him, due to the various conditions he adds to these categorical propositions. These additions make the oppositional relations richer and give rise to many more figures than a simple square. Our analysis exhibits some of these figures by relating all kinds of quantified propositions in various ways. We thus find many squares of oppositions, several octagons, two hexagons and many complex figures which are different from each other and have specific and original structures, due to the propositions they contain. The hexagons are of Blanché’s kind, but one of them is asymmetric. Some octagons are of Buridan’s kind, but one of them is very unusual and seems to be a reversal of Buridan’s octagon. These octagons can also be replaced by cubes, which are three dimensional figures having the same number of vertices.