Stable evolutionary strategy of Homo sapiens (SESH) is built in accordance with the modular
and hierarchical principle and consists of the same type of self-replicating elements, i.e. is a system
of systems. On the top level of the organization of SESH is the superposition of genetic, social,
cultural and techno-rationalistic complexes. The components of this triad differ in the mechanism
of cycles of generation - replication - transmission - fixing/elimination of adoptively relevant
information. This mechanism is implemented either in accordance with the Darwin-Weismann
modus, or according to the Lamarck modus, the difference between them is clear from the title.
The integral attribute of the system of systems including ESSH is the production of evolutionary
risks. The sources of evolutionary risk for stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens are the
imbalance of (1) the intra-genomic co-evolution (intragenomic conflicts); (2) the gene-cultural co-
evolution; (3) the inter-cultural co-evolution; (4) techno-humanitarian balance; (5) inter-
technological conflicts (technological traps). At least phenomenologically the components of the
evolutionary risk are reversible, but in the aggregate they are in potentio irreversible destructive
ones for bio-social, and cultural self-identity of Homo sapiens. When the actual evolution is the
subject of a rationalist control and/or manipulation, the magnitude of the 4th and 5th components
of the evolutionary risk reaches the level of existential significance.