Fang Dong Mei's "Realm of the Spirit"
Fang Dong Mei brought together the essences of traditional Chinese philosophy. He helped Chinese students in their understanding of modern western philosophy. His philosophy found its basis in his deep insight for life itself. His philosophical thought came from reflections on art, poetry and aesthetic experience . Fang Dong Mei's ontology is actually that of an aesthetical value theory. He was able to transcend the duality of "heart" and "reason" in Chinese and Western philosophy and fuse "knowledge" and "value". Fang Dong Mei left behind a very sound idealistic philosophy. He used his status as a philosopher and poet in forging a spiritual direction for the development of the future "world culture". Whether it was in the "serious world of reason" or the "lively world of heart", he showed us how to nurture, care, and reach a deep wisdom and a higher realm