This chapter explores the relationship between the idea of gongsheng 共生 (symbiosis, joint transformation, or co-creation) in the Scripture on Great Peace (Taiping Jing 太平经) and the construction of an ecological civilization. The emergence of the Taiping Jing was a result of frequent disasters and hardship in ancient China. This prompted tian to deliver the scripture to relieve mankind of the disasters. The Taiping Jing provides a plethora of ideas, as well as concrete actions, including the notion of gongsheng which is mentioned frequently. This rich concept includes gongsheng within the individual, between humans and the myriad things, within society, and between humans and tian. Understanding gongsheng allows us to apply it to modern society, thus enabling more dialogue between these concepts and current global issues, as well as with contemporary trends of thought, for the benefit of establishing environmental ethics.