Wang Chang-zhi on the Inculturation of Scholastic and Catholic Thoughts
It is well known Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci missionary in China, open the "localization" method of evangelization, far-reaching, and even the Catholic Church in China to promote "localization" of the Vatican post second Ecumenical Council before, have been actively using this method. This paper attempts to explore the pre-Vatican II understanding of Wang Changzhi few people today, Father for the "localization" thinking dimension, and Catholic thought on the Scholastic philosophy and localized contribution. Introducing the King's life and writings of the priest, the author was a "localized" and "extrapolation" thinking architecture assessment Wang two ideas. The last section of this conclusion. Without doubt, in the history of the Catholic Church in China, Matteo Ricci , an earlier Jesuit missionary to the Middle Kingdom, has established the missionary method of inculturation as the appropriate way of religious education and evangelization of the Chinese people . At the same time, such a method has become also a new direction of the Chinese Catholic Church in fostering religious education and preaching the Gospel to the local populace. Apparently, such an approach of evangelization has greatly affected the thought of Fr. Wang Chang -Ji whom very few in the present generation know. After the brief introduction in section Ⅰ, section Ⅱ is short summary of Fr. Wang's life and literal works. Section Ⅲ offers the first critique of the inculturation trend of Wang Chang-ji's thought in light of the three stages of inculturation, ie, incultural adjustment, incultural absorption, and incultural transformation. Afterwards, section Ⅳ proffers the second critique of Fr. Wang's incultural thought in terms the threefold linguistic-ontological-pragmatic strangification. Finally, section V consists of the concluding remarks