Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press (
“ONE OF THE most important and intellectually accessible books about Sartre and the Critique de la Raison Dialectique, this is an uncompromising and convincing dismissal of the claims made by Sartre for the work. It examines the structure of the Critique, of which it provides a concise account and assessment, and of its relationship to the thought in particular of Hegel; Heidegger and the early Marx. In addition, it explores the pre-conditions of any viable synthesis of Marxism and existentialism.The prime concern of the book is with showing how Sartre’s work is fatally flawed by its identification of alienation with objectification. A further strength is the space and attention Chiodi gives to the political implications of Sartre’s positions, and the attempt to place Sartre’s politics within the context of political theory generally. There is very little critical work on the Critique available in English. This book corrects the pro-Sartrean basis of much of what has been published. It provides an important critical assessment and a ready access to it philosophy.”- Publisher.