The aim of the article is the determination and analyzing of social movements’ preconditions of the creation and the social context of their activities in the Visegrad group countries during the transformation of political systems. Also the main task is the investigation of social movements’ influence on the political process in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. As a result of the investigation, the political and socio-economic preconditions of the creation of anticommunist movements in the Visegrad group countries were singled out. Political preconditions include disintegration of Soviet Union and power monopoly of the Communist Party, which caused the creation of anticommunist movements in Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The complicated economic situation in the Visegrad group countries during the transformation of political system became the most important socio-economic precondition of the creation of social movements. Inflation, unemployment, difficult financial situation of workers caused the creation of social movements, which aimed to overcome the deep economic crisis. Economic preconditions played a crucial role in the formation of trade union «Solidarity» that united dissatisfied workers and defended their rights. The role of social movements in the political life of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia during the transitional period are also analyzed in the article. As a result, we can indicate that activities of social movements aimed to changing the political discourse in countries by introduction Western values in social consciousness. However, the preservation of own identity was also important. Social movements played the key role in the democratization of the Visegrad Group countries. In Slovakia social movements hastened the disintegration of Czechoslovakia and the achievement of Slovakia independence.