Thai Higher Education and an Epistemological Theory of Attasammāpaṇidhi
This essay is a philosophical construction of an epistemological theory of self-knowledge when one is an autonomous moral agent with right self-guidance. It is called, in Buddhist thought, Attasammāpaṇidhi, which means the characteristics of right self-conduct or right self-guidance. An exploration of the concept is important in Thai higher education because of the related Buddhist precept of Yonisomanasikāra, which are methods of thinking with critical reflections. This chapter considers some explanations of what knowledge might be when one knows that one is capable of proper self-guidance, with specific attention to the university learning environment. The question of Attasammāpaṇidhi is examined in terms of epistemological arguments between moral particularism and moral generalism. The arguments from both of the encampments are mistaken about the status of being a knower. I argue that the knowledge of Attasammāpaṇidhi should be explained as moral self-knowledge from performative understanding in the core idea of knowing.