The metaphysical indispensability of the opposite principles of the one and the many can be justified by thinking of the original no longer as immovable or as causa sui. In the latter case a duplication is certainly justified but such as to flow back into unity. There is only real difference if what the original posits has a dimension of otherness in relation to it. Only by thinking of the original as liberty can a principle be conceived that is capable of positing itself being able not to posit itself (because liberty is beginning and choice) and therefore one can think that what is posited is other than that which posits. This other is the being of the original liberty that has passed through pure beginning to existence. The original relationship of liberty and being can then further manifest itself in that the original liberty, which positing itself posits the totality of being, can posit aspects of its being outside itself. In this way the dimension of otherness is fully displayed because being posited outside itself, in that it is being of liberty, is free being that, though finite, cannot, precisely because it is free, give rise to full mediation with the infinite original. On the other hand, the principle of unity is not lost, but takes on a new form, that is to say that of love