In his essay From Logos to Mythos, I republished on the twentieth anniversary of its first publication, Most saw in the release of Creuzer’s Symbolik und Mythologie the moment when philology distanced itself from philosophy “refraining strictly from any discussion of what the Greek myths could mean for us, and instead concentrating […] into what the Greek myths could have meant for the Greeks”. This essay analyses the case study offered by the mythological dyad Kronos (Κρόνος) and Chronos (Χρόνος). It highlights some elements that place these two figures at a distance on the philological level but closer on the philosophical one. The essay encourages a dialogue between philological rigour and philosophical use of myth: myth, in its prolificity, is eloquent in every age and a careful understanding of what it meant to the Greeks in its time does not necessarily imply giving up understanding what it may mean to us today.