New York,: William-Frederick Press (
Pt. I. The velocity of light. Mersenne's measurement of the speed of sound -- Galileo's attempt to measure the velocity of light -- Roemer's astronomical method -- Bradley's telescope method -- Fizeau's terrestrial method -- Michelson's precise measurement -- Other properties of light waves -- pt. II. The great dilemma. The stationary ether postulated -- Further confirmation of the ether -- An expected ether effect -- Fresnel's ether drag -- The Michelson-Morely experiment -- Possible explanations for Michelson and Morley's results -- The great dilemma -- pt. III. The special theory of relativity. Difference between the special theory and the general theory -- The two postulates of the special theory -- Deductions from the postulates -- Contraction of length -- Mass increases with velocity -- Addition of velocities -- The maximum possible velocity -- Equivalence of mass and energy -- Time in the special theory -- pt. IV. Experimental proof of the special theory. Mass increase with velocity -- Addition of velocities -- Equivalence of mass and energy -- Time -- pt. V. The general theory and experimental proof. The principle of equivalence -- Newton's law of universal gravitation and Einstein's theory of gravitation / Rotation of Mercury's orbit -- Effect of a gravitational mass on a light beam / Weighing a beam of light -- Effect of a gravitational mass on time / Slowing down of atomic clocks on the sun and stars -- pt. VI. Relativity and the nature of the universe. Types of universes -- Our universe -- pt. VII. The unified field theory.