I argue that the dispute between two leading theories of interpretation
of legal texts, textual originalism and textual evolutionism, depends on the
false presupposition that changes in the way a word is used necessarily require a
change in the word’s meaning. Semantic externalism goes a long way towards
reconciling these views by showing how a word’s semantic properties can be
stable over time, even through vicissitudes of usage. I argue that temporal
externalism can account for even more semantic stability, however. Temporal
externalism is the theory that the content of an utterance at time t may be
determined by developments in linguistic usage subsequent to t. If this semantic
theory is correct, then the originalist and evolutionist positions effectively collapse.
Originalism is correct in that the original meaning of the text is the meaning that is
binding on jurists, but evolutionism is vindicated, as it is the current practices and
standards that determine the meaning the text now has, and has always had.
Objections to temporal externalism, and to its application to the interpretation of
legal texts, are considered and addressed.