Actualizing in Theory and Therapy: Rogers' Way of Being Versus Jung's Way
Dissertation, Chicago School of Professional Psychology (
This theoretical dissertation examines the issue of psychological growth based upon the work of Carl Rogers and Carl Jung. This analysis of psychological growth focuses upon Rogers' concept of the actualizing tendency within the individual and Jung's concept of the individuation process which individuals follow in attempting to reach a state of self-realization. Beginning with the assumptions underlying each of the two concepts of psychological growth, this paper proceeds to examine how Rogers and Jung incorporated their concepts of psychological growth into their theories of personality, into their approaches to therapy, and the major forms of evidence both men developed in support of their work. ;The specific problem addressed in this paper is that Jung's approach to psychological growth represents a way, or path, utilizing the traditional methods of psychoanalysis, such as the interpretation of dreams and the transference relationship, while Rogers' approach to psychological growth is based upon the therapist's individual way of being in the attitudes of genuineness, unconditional positive regard, and empathic understanding. This paper concludes by examining the implications that both approaches have for the psychological growth of the client as well as for the psychological growth of the therapist--particularly the beginning therapist