Crossover fantasy series such as Harry Potter , designed to appeal to readers of all ages, have received much popular and critical attention. Series like His Dark Materials , more sophisticated and complex than Rowling's, have benefited from Harry Potter's press. In Rowling, nonhuman animals play roles but are not foregrounded. They are not central to action or theme or, in any sense, developed characters. Pullman's books foreground nonhumans and develop their characters. His three novels, however, belong to their human protagonists. In the worlds of true Crossover Animal Fantasy Series such as The Wolves of Time and The Duncton Trilogies , the novels belong to their nonhuman protagonists. This review essay suggests how understanding the characteristics of Crossover Animal Fantasy Series enhances readers' imaginative grasp of the lives of other species. The best of these series cross cultural, species, and age boundaries, and are an unsung force in bringing about a paradigm shift that will affect our cultural perception of nonhumans