Rekonstruktionen und Rekonstruierbarkeit. Eine Entgegnung auf Jürgen Scherbs "Nichtet das Nichts wirklich nicht?"
In a recent essay Jürgen Ludwig Scherb strives for a benevolent reconsideration of Heidegger's famous phrase 'the nothing noths' (,das Nichts nichtet'). In 1932 Rudolf Carnap attacked this expression for being meaningless and a pseudo-sentence. Using Stanislaw Lesniewski's ontology. Scherb reconstructs 'the nothing noths' in the tradition of Desmond Paul Henry. My text tries to show that attempts to rehabilitate Heidegger's dictum by just providing such a reconstruction must fail. Indeed, all that Scherb's and Henry's results illustrate is the trivial fact that for every concatenation of signs there is a reconstruction that renders it syntactically well formed and provable. If Scherb wants his reconstruction to stand out among all the other possible reconstructions, it will be necessary for him to scrutinize more than the three words 'the nothing noths'. To facilitate an adequate critique, my text includes an informal introduction to the talk about reconstructions and offers further reconstructions which provide material for illustration and comparison.