Based on the readings of the philosophers Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Michel Onfray, the present article aims to carry out a critical assessment based on what is meant by “control society” and then, inspired by the Nietzschean philosophy of “Super human” [Übermensch], verify the feasibility of flourishing a human type whose creative and courageous posture surpasses the most adverse hypotheses of postmodernity. That said, the research adopts the following method: first, succinctly, to present the development of the different record productions, as presented in The Anti-Oedipus; second, after the Deleuzian work opens up the scope for thinking about the “schizo”, that is, the individual below the social impositions, we complement with the hypothesis of the onfraryan typology of the “condottiere”, making it a model of resistance and insubmission, inspiring, therefore, the possible appearance of a fourth record production analyzed by Deleuze and Guattari.