Докса 2 (
This paper is dedicated to the analysis of Heidegger’s «transcendental» consideration of Being as the condition of the possibility of the openness of Beingness to the cognition. Transcendence is only one being, whose existence is the nature of the transition, the spraying sense, the spraying itself. Transcendence is Dasein only. Transcendence makes the situation when Dasein enters into a relationship with existenzia or other Dasein itself. A preliminary understanding of being has its foundation in the transcendence. Dasein understands itself in its own ability to be, in anticipation of which it is located. In anticipation of their own possibilities Dasein rises to himself, on steps for itself, it is always in some way - in front of itself. The author demonstrates on the base of the textual analysis, that Heidegger’s question concerning the access to the Beingness remains within the bounds of the transcendental statement of question.