Apeiron 28 (3):159 - 181 (
In the doxography on Anaximander it is reported that he has made a celestial globe or another kind of model, map or sketch of his astronomical conceptions. Several scholars have tried to reconstruct this model, but without success. In fact the history of the reconstruction of Anaximander's model of the heavens is a concatenation of mistakes and misunderstandings. The various and sometimes ingenious attempts will be discussed hereafter. Mostly the efforts fail through the difficulty of putting oneself into the position of a more primitive astronomy which considers the earth as a flat disk and as the centre of the universe. Yet it is possible to draw a model which is both in agreement with the doxographical tradition on Anaximander's astronomy, without making special assumptions, and explains the movements of the celestial bodies as seen from a flat earth, as will be shown in the present article.