Image is said in many ways. In view of its equivocal nature, we could choose to clear its analytical path, replace its historical transit or give up. Instead, this paper proposes an alternative by reflecting on the temporal dimension of the image. For this reason, it makes use of two nodal reflections: the Benjaminian notion of dialectical image, and the link between image and emotions as explored contemporaneously by queer theory. The notion of dialectical image allows us to envision, even beyond its author, another link between image and history, which allows us to understand it not only as a linguistic phenomenon, but also in its visual and audiovisual dimension. Queer theory in its affective turn has presented a possible link between images and affects that allows the composition of an ephemeral archive that declassifies our temporal categories (CVETKOVICH, 2018) and the ethical question about our primary responses in the face of the image (BUTLER, 2010). The journey through both notions addresses, ultimately, the temporality of images in its critical power, that old insistence on thinking of images that contain their own destruction.