Imre Lakatos in China
I feel very honoured to be able to attend this international conference
entitled 'Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge: 20 Years After'
dedicated to the memory of Imre Lakatos. I am grateful to Prof. Kostas
Gavroglou, Secretary of the Organizing Committee, for his invitation.
Today I want to use this chance to give a brief account of the dissemination
of Lakatos's doctrines in China.
Although Lakatos was already famous in Western academic circles of
philosophy of science as early as the 1960s because of his distinguished
contributions to both the philosophy of mathematics and the philosophy
of science, yet his doctrines began their dissemination in China only after
the beginning of the 1980s.1
In 1979, when I worked in the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese
Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), I started Ziran Kexue Zhexue Wenti
Congkan (Journal for Philosophical Problems in Natural Sciences), and
held the post of editor-in-chief. The second issue of 1980 (appearing on
June 25, 1980) published the following papers by Lakatos.
(1) 'The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes' (translated
passages by Qui Renzong, read and revised by Fan Dainian from
Philosophical Papers, Vol. 1, Cambridge University Press, 1978,
pp. 47-52,68-72).
(2) 'A Renaissance of Empiricism in the Recent Philosophy of Mathematics?' (Translated by Lin Xiashui, read and revised by Qiu Renzong
from British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 27, pp. 201-23,
The second part of this paper was published in the third issue of the same
journal (appearing on September 25, 1976). These are probably the first
translations of Lakatos' papers to appear in China.