Desire and Divinization: A Theology of Everyday Asceticism
Eugene: Cascade Books (
In this book I propose a soteriological model answering the classic question posed to Paul and Silas by their jailer: “what must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30) This model – everyday asceticism – weaves together various philosophical and theological strands to form a Protestant view of divinization which rests on desire, prayer, and a life enlivened by God’s will as the means by which God works our salvation. First, I outline a theological account of desire through a constructive reading of Sarah Coakley. Second, I elaborate Oliver Crisp’s brief treatment of _theosis_ into a fuller, thoroughgoingly Protestant account of participation in God. Third, I articulate three theses which will be used to undergird the book’s constructive efforts. Fourth, I turn to said efforts by assembling everyday asceticism as a soteriological model and anticipate some initial responses the view might face. Fifth, and finally, I sketch a vision for the impacts everyday asceticism might be expected to have on the life of a person being divinized.