Дискурс 6 (4):150-164 (
Introduction. Phonosemantic interference is a phenomenon in imitative word coinage in which the sound shape of a single imitative sign can be conditioned by several categorically different motives of nomination. Several phonosemantic studies have reported this effect; however, a clear definition of the term, the description of the existing models of motive combinations, as well as possible explanations behind this phenomenon have yet to be developed. The objective of this article is to attempt to formulate the definition of this term and to describe the mechanisms of phonosemantic interference using new linguistic material (artificially constructed lexis).Methodology and sources. The study is conducted within the framework of the phonosemantic approach developed by Stanislav Voronin on the material of artificially constructed words from well-known fictional languages Lapin, Klingon, Elvish, and Navi. Methods of the research include the method of continuous sampling, typological comparison, and the method of phonosemantic analysis.Results and discussion. Using the material of artificially constructed lexis, the examples of the combination of several motives of nomination for a single sound-imitative sign are demonstrated and the motives of their coinage are studied. The typological comparison of the artificially constructed words against imitative words of natural origin has revealed similar models of multiple motivation both in artificial and natural word coinage, which suggests that multiple nomination is a regular way of primary nomination. The definition of the term phonosemantic interference has been provided.Conclusion. Multiple motivation reflects the complex nature of the intermodal perception of extralinguistic objects. In the case of phonosemantic interference, the phonetic form of a word is the product of a co-operative action of several senses. The reflection of several denotata in a single sound form increases the variety of primary forms and meanings and helps explicate subtle semantic contrasts. The notion of phonosemantic interference enables analyzing, describing, and understanding the mechanisms of complicated cases of imitative word coinage within the framework of the already well established phonosemantic taxonomy.