Our intention in this paper, is to show that Spinoza's geometrical method is not a purely literary form, nor a purely didactic way of presentation . We want to show this positively by exhibiting the general character of Spinoza's method, and its precise content . In order to do this against tlhe right background, we first analyse briefly what is the character of the geometrical method in Euclid, Hobbes, and Descartes. As we try to show, Spinoza's conception of method is extremely close to the Euclidian method as „improved” by Hobbes in a genetico-aonstructive way. The general character of the mos or ordo geometricus can be described as a synthetic method of demonstration, with a genetico-constructive character. The study of the principal ingredients of the method contains an analysis of Spinoza's doctrine of genetical definition, of axiom and postulate, and of synthetic demonstration itself. As appears from our study, a good understanding of Spinoza's theory of definition is almost impossible without a dose look at the methodological ideas of A. Heereboord . At the end of our paper, we try to compare Spinoze with modern theories in so far as they stress, in one way or another, the constructive aspect of human methodical thinking