In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:EditorialMahinda DeegalleNow the journal of Buddhist-Christian Studies has continued for twenty-nine years. Next year's volume will mark the completion of the third decade. Owing to the hard work and dedication of my predecessors, as a journal that explores Buddhist-Christian relations, BCS is widely known among academics and practitioners of interreligious dialogue. For our continuous mission of publishing the journal with high-quality academic articles and book reviews, we depend on and seek help and support of contributors and peer reviewers. Obviously the readership is the most important factor in the journal's sustainability. Thanks to all of you who have gone out of your way in supporting the journal for almost three decades.This is my first editorial as the newly appointed editor of the journal. Both Professor Amos Yong, who is acting as the interim coeditor for this volume, and I were appointed at the board meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies held at the American Academy of Religion meeting in Chicago in November 2008. With my takeover of the journal, Fr. Francis Tiso, who served the journal for three years as the editor, takes leave from editorial work. Both Professor Yong and Fr. Tiso, in various capacities, contributed significantly to make this volume a success by soliciting new academic papers, arranging the old papers for resubmission with appropriate revisions, and seeking out peer reviewers for approval of the content represented in the academic papers. It was a great pleasure to work with them, and I am grateful to both of them for the hard work that they have put in to make this journal visible in the market.In the given short period of time, I have reflected upon various aspects of the journal. To pave the way for the next decades and to give a fresh look to the journal, the physical appearance of the journal has been modified. The University of Hawai'i Press has undertaken the redesigning of the journal cover and has made some modifications to the appearance of the contents inside the journal. In these modifications and editorial work, it was a great delight to work with the journal staff of the University of Hawai'i Press: Cindy Chun and Joel Bradshaw. I appreciate their support in these matters.As usual this volume contains academic papers, a few selected papers from two panels held at the AAR, conference reports, and book reviews. I take this opportunity to appreciate your continuing support to the journal and the hard work that you have put in as peer reviewers and contributors. [End Page v]Mahinda DeegalleBath Spa UniversityCopyright © 2009 University of Hawai'i Press...