More and more development projects are using group or community approaches to disseminate technology and resources. It is believed that using such an approach will provide a safety net as well as social control to ensure the sustainability of the technology and resource. However, little is known of the exact process and social networks that are mobilized and used in using such an approach. Particular attention is devoted in the paper to gender differences and the concept of social capital for analyzing social networks. Cases and the analysis were drawn from Heifer Project International's efforts to disseminate improved goat breeds through a village group process in Tanzania. An examination of these case studies shows that internal processes are crucial in understanding technology transfer. In all groups, a person's social capital did determine whether a member got a goat, and a person's ability to access and manage information also played an important role. Of all the groups, the most successful and sustainable had a history of interaction and were involved within several projects in which the members met each other in different arenas