Kritike 9 (2):28-50 (
This paper is a presentation of the fundamental tenets of Roque Ferriols’ philosophical enterprise. The first part of the essay presents and analyzes Ferriols’ primary texts using the taxonomies suggested by F.P.A. Demeterio in order to report the basic discourses of the said Filipino philosopher. The next part of the paper inquires concerning the philosophical project of Ferriols. Centered on the idea of recognition and becoming immersed in social realities, this essay suggests that Ferriols’ act of elevitating the status of Filipino language into an epistemological concept is consistent to his philosophical task of awakening his readers to the realm of Being. Similar to a Socratic irony, Ferriols puts premium on the ontological importance of creative ignorance, which is only possible through what he dubbed as danasmasid-kilatis. With that in mind, this preliminary work on Ferriols opines that there is a gold mine in the philosophy of Ferriols that can be used as a starting point for a critical Filipino philosophy. In the last part of the paper, some reflections and recommendations for future venture on Ferriols’ philosophy can be found.