The question of the role of juridical conceptions, concepts of justice and rights, in Marx's evaluation of capitalist society, is a major issue in current American Marx scholarship. In this book, Allen Buchanan analyzes many aspects of Marx's social theory in an examination and critique of Marx's views regarding the role of juridical concepts in that theory. His book, as an interpretation of Marx, defends three basic claims. First, Marx's evaluation of capitalist society is a radical and external evaluation of the same, made from the perspective of communist society, which perspective does not include concepts of justice or rights. Communist society is a society in which persons enjoy undistorted consciousness of their needs, in that it abolishes the forms of alienation and exploitation which differently characterize capitalist society and all pre-capitalist societies. Conceived as such, communist society provides an external standard from which capitalism can be radically evaluated. But this evaluation does not include claims to the effect that capitalism is less just or unjust when compared to communist society, or that persons in capitalist society cannot claim rights which they can claim under communism. This is because, second, the very "circumstances of justice," the types of conflicts which lead persons to assert rights claims and appeal to prescriptive rules of justice, are overcome in communist society as Marx conceives it. With this, the very notions of justice and rights wither away under communism. Buchanan argues, against Wood and others, that concepts of justice do operate in Marx's internal critique of capitalism. But they are not at work in his radical and external evaluation of capitalist society, made from the perspective of communist society, because in communist society the circumstances of justice are overcome. For this reason, and this is Buchanan's third interpretive claim, the proletariat for Marx is not motivated towards revolutionary action by notions of justice or rights. Rather, the proletariat acts in a revolutionary way because of its own self-interest in overcoming intolerable conditions of exploitation, and acts towards the goal of bringing into being a type of society in which rights claims and prescriptive rules of justice are impossible because fundamentally unnecessary.