Great modern thinkers as Paul Tillich and Edward Schillebeeckx constructed a theology of culture to develop a theological method which was able to present the Christian message as a reasonable answer to the contemporary situation of human beings. Their methods of correlation tried to connect the human questions with the theological answers. Confronting their methods with the actual position of Christian faith in society, some questions can be raised against their point of departure. In this article we first examine the foundation of both Tillich’s and Schillebeeckx’ method of correlation. We present therefore Tillich’s basic scheme, in which he correlates the human questions of the people of his time with the major Christian dogma’s. Secondly we research the way in which Schillebeeckx constructs his own method of correlation, in critical dialogue with Tillich. We trace the development of his ‘correlation-theology’ trough his main work. In doing so both the similarities as well as the differences between Tillich’s method and the method of Schillebeeckx become clear. In a second part, we confront these ‘modern’ methods of correlation with the contemporary ‘post-modern’ context. Under the influence of ongoing detraditionalisation and pluralisation, the position of Christianity in society changed a lot. This new situation exerts pressure on the modern presuppositions of the question-answer-correlation. We search for an adequate theological response, holding on to the intuition of Tillich and Schillebeeckx that theology and context should always be closely related to each other. Therefore, we suggest some adjustments to their method by setting up a theological method in which ‘difference’ and ‘dialogue’ are important categories, as well in the conversation with other religions as within the Christian community itself